Stacker – Arduino
For the final week of the NCSS embedded programming challenge, we had the option of creating any program we wanted (to run on the ED1 board) to be entered into a competition. For my entry i decided to make an arduino version of stacker, see the video below.
I will add the source code after the competion
The game is quite simple to play (press either button to start/stop blocks and the board's reset button to restart), but gets ridiculously hard realy quickly, i am yet to get to the leds to the end.
I also failed to compleate any of the final weeks problems, besides this one becasue of being exhasted from shifting logs.
October 4th, 2009 - 14:55
I was going to do this competition but i had no ideas and i’m jealous of your idea. Could you send me the code (not until after the competition is over so i don’t steal).
ps. I didn’t steal the theme from you :p
October 4th, 2009 - 15:33
thanks for the comments 🙂
and no you didn’t steal it from me specifically
August 3rd, 2010 - 19:53
I wold love to see the code you wrote.